Elul Classes

Tuesdays, September 3, 10, 17, & 24 at 7 PM

Click here to register for Zoom!

We each have moments of stopping to ask ourselves, “Is this life I’ve created truly what I want?” 

A lot of life is beyond our control, and yet we have significant agency in how we choose to understand our lives and create our reality. The High Holy Days are our collective invitation to journey forward with intention, cultivating lives that honor our deepest values and truest essence! 

In Judaism, the month of Elul before the Jewish new year is a time of turning. Turning inward and reflecting on the year that was. 

Returning to our truest self. 

Turning toward others to ask for forgiveness for ways we missed the mark. – Turning forward to the coming year to ask what within us wants to be created. 

We can’t help but be turned by Elul. We can make the turning sacred, beautiful, and intentional by engaging with this month of preparation and change. 

Join guest Rabbi Jessica K. Marshall for an Elul series as we spiritually prepare for the High Holy Days! 

This series together offers you

Clarity in the overwhelm 

Enlivening like minded community 

Trust in your own deep knowing 

4 Virtual Sessions: September 3, 10, 17, 24. 7-8:30pm PT Each gathering is 90 minutes with a general structure of: 

~Coming into sacred space as a community with a story or guided visualization. ~A Jewish teaching to frame the week’s theme. 

~An inner exercise, followed by reflective journaling offering a chance to share what each participant experienced in a breakout group. 

~Coming back together as a group for more sharing, questions, and support. ~An invitation for a nourishing practice to play with the weekly theme.

September 3: Expanding our relationship to Divinity 

Understanding and deepening our own understanding and connection to the Divine can be a grounding and inspiring force in our life. Join us as we explore our personal authentic relationship to Divinity and how co-creating lives of meaning with the Divine can be understood expansively. 

September 10: Yearly Reflection and Ritual of Release 

Together we will reflect on the past year–its highlights, growth, and tender moments. We will share a ritual to release what might be weighing us down to make space for greater liberation. 

September 17: Sacred Forgiveness 

Our forgiveness practice can be a spiritual evolution. Without radical compassion, we aren’t able to truly release anger and free ourselves from negative feelings that tend to follow us. In this session, we’ll learn how the practice of forgiveness – teshuva – harnesses our own power to move forward. 

September 24: What story of your life is asking to be written this year? We will enjoy a Neshama Letters writing activity to release old fears and affirm how we will honor ourselves and our dreams this year. How is your heart calling you forward? What values are you choosing to guide your life? 

* * *

Offer yourself the gift of 4 weeks with: 

Authentic, inspiring community! 

Guidance and spaciousness for inner wisdom to emerge. 

Renewal and momentum to carry forward what matters most to you! *** 


Rabbi Jessica Kessler Marshall passionately leads soul-centered retreats, women’s gatherings, and weddings across the United States. She guides participants into deeper connection with Spirit by moving beyond intellect or logic, to access soul-wisdom so their path lights up with ease, vitality, abundance, and JOY! Championing spiritual inclusivity via creative rituals, intentional reflections, mindfulness practices, and the wisdom of the natural world, Jessica guides with humor, authenticity, and Divine presence. 

Find out about her upcoming retreats and virtual gatherings at: 


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