BCC’s Annual Vision Awards was established 40 years ago to recognize and honor leaders who have made major contributions towards tikkun olam – repairing the world.

The word “vision” captures that ability to think about, imagine, and plan for the future. Taking in what others pass by, envisioning the world as it can be, working against the odds with dedication and passion to make the world a better place – these are the qualities we celebrate with the BCC Vision Awards.

These are the qualities found in our honorees – we invite you to contribute generously to honor these remarkable people and ensure BCC can carry on their legacy for generations to come.

We are pleased to invite you to join us on

Sunday, May 4th


Beth Chayim Chadashim

6090 W Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035

3 pm – Event Begins

3:15 – Awards Ceremony

4:30 – Honorees’ Reception

Click here for Tickets, Sponsorships, Donations & Tribute Ads


Harriet Perl Tzedek Justice
Award Honoree
Rabbi Jillian R. Cameron

Rabbi Erwin & Agnes Herman Humanitarian Award Honoree
Aviyah Farkas

Rabbi Erwin & Agnes Herman Humanitarian Award Honoree
Ronnie Wexler


If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call the BCC office at (213)-290-6139.

Beth Chayim Chadashim

BCC is an affirming, nurturing, and brave Jewish space for LGBTQIA+ people, our friends, and our families.

Contact Us

6090 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(213) 290-6139|bcc@bcc-la.org

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